Monday, September 5, 2016

Amazing Facts about Nepal

20 Things You Didn’t Know about Nepal

1. Fat is good
If someone calls you fat, take it as a compliment (as hard as it might be). It’s a Nepali euphemism for healthy.
It means you are eating well, and if you are eating well, then you are probably doing well financially.

2. Know your hills from your mountains
Don’t confuse local hills for mountains – you will get laughed at.
Although some peaks might qualify as mountains by Australian standards, you will soon understand the difference.
Keep in mind that eight of the world’s 10 highest peaks are in Nepal. (Continue reading)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Nepal at Glance

The Nepalese People are known all over the world for their bravery and kind hospitality. Everywhere you go, you would be welcomed with a very friendly smile.
  • Area: 147,181 sq. km
  • Geography: Situated between China in the north and India in the south
  • Capital: Kathmandu
  • Population: 27 million
  • People: Nepal has more than 61 ethnic group and 70 spoken languages
  • Language: Nepali is the national language. However, travel trade people Understand and speak English as well
  • Currency: Nepalese Rupees
  • Political System: Democratic  Republic


Roughly rectangular in shape of  Nepal is between China to the north and India to the south. Nepal contains the world’s tallest peaks, while the fertile plains to the south, known as the Terai  (Continue Reading...)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Nepal: A majestic view of nature with cultural and spiritual value.

Nepal is one of the gift of god. Nepal where guests are regarded as god. Nepal has more natural diversity than most of the countries in the world. Nepal has the gift of natural resources with the beauty of variations among people, wild animals. Take a look to these pictures. Its not my own but collected from net.